Pack 51 | Forsyth Georgia

Pack 51

Pinewood Derby Rules and Instructions

Date: Jan 25th, 2025

Where: Forsyth United Methodist Church

Ø  Saturday Jan 25th Inspection and Check in 9:00-9:30.

Racing will start  at 9:30 or when all cards have passed inspection

Sibling and adult races will be held half way through the Cub Races

The Pinewood Derby Race is one of the most exciting and significant annual events of Cub Scout Pack 51 throughout the entire year. The race will teach boys something about the nature of competition, the “pride of winning” and the “agony of defeat”. "The Big Race” however, tends to obscure one of the primary purposes of the derby;  bringing a boy and his parents together in a creative, shared and meaningful activity- Building the car itself.

The occasion for such an activity in our society is all too rare. Perhaps, the boy will not remember his own little creation of wood, plastic and paint but he may have fond memories of his parents teaching him to use sandpaper for finishing and teaching him to turn the spray can upside down in a paper bag to clear the nozzle. If this process includes casual conversation, laughter and warm feelings and perhaps winning (or losing) the race is not so very important in the long run.

Ø  Once the car enters the church, it must be handled by the scout unless a power tool or hot weights are being used on it.

1. Only the Official BSA PWD Kit obtained through the BSA is acceptable. Only BSA approved equipment with BSA seal can be used ( No Kits from Michaels or any other hobby shop/craft stores). All other Kits will be disqualified.

2. Width shall not exceed 2 ¾”.

3. Length Shall not exceed 7”.

4. Width between the wheels must be at least 1 ¾”.

5. Bottom clearance between car and track should be at least 3/8”.

6. Axle slots wheel base shall not by changed. No narrowing or lengthening of the wheelbase.

7. No changing of the wheel is permitted except the filling off of mold projection on the wheel.

8. Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces according to Pack 51 official scales.

9. Axles, Wheels and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit; Axles must be placed in the slots provided.

10. Wheel bearings, washes and bushing are prohibited.

11. The car shall not ride on any kind of spring.

12. The care must be freewheeling with no starting devices.

13. No loose materials of any kind are allowed in or taped to the car.

14. Must be registered and weight on Friday night.

15. No Lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powered graphite only.

16. The Scout must build a new car each year. One car per registered scout.

17. The scout must do all or most of the work of building the race car; Adults only should use power tools and give direction to the scout in completing the car.

18. ******Adult & Sibling cars—All Rules apply******


Tips for construction of a fast car offered by the scout office are as follows

Ø  Fast Cars have thin shape, Cut the car body to a very thin shape.

Ø  Car weight should be maximum, Not a gram over or under.

Ø  If you paint designs calls for cutting away much of the block, use a saw first.

Ø  Paint body parts before assembling them to avoid getting paint on axles.

Ø  Remove burrs on the nail axles before adding the wheels, using sand paper or emery paper.

Ø  Friction is the enemy of speed. If there is a mold seam on the wheels, sand them very lightly. The wheels are hollow and can break if to heavily sanded

Ø  Use white glue, epoxy or model airplane cement to hold axle in body, Measure center distance between axle before attaching. Allow 3/32” to 1/8” between wheels and body.

Ø  Lubricate the axles with powered graphite, No Oil, Grease or Silicone spray should be used. Lubrication oil will slow the spin and dripping oil can foul the racetrack.

Ø  Fishing sinkers or other weights many be inserted in the body to add weight, but the total weight of the car must not exceed 5 ounces. Michaels, any other craft store or the Scout shop in Macon have adjustable weights that are ideal, some screw on so you wont have to drill holes in the bottom to add weight.

Ø  It is very helpful to attend the build date(s) and unofficial weigh in ahead of time to calculate any final adjustment ahead of time. There is not much time on Saturday Morning to adjust the weight.

Ø  If you are not adding your own weight ahead of time, Drill or Carve Holes in the bottom of the car so that liquid lead weight can be poured in.

Ø  Rear weighted cars go faster, Place the car weight in the rear so that fore/aft balance point is about 1 ¼” in front of the rear axles.

Derby Day Operating Rules

Ø       Trophies will be awarded for best design and fastest in all age groups( Lion/Tiger, Wolf, Bears & Webelos), Fastest 1,2,3 places over all, Neck Medals will be awarded for top three places among siblings and adults. Siblings will also have awards for best design.

Ø      The Track is operated by computer timer.

Ø      All Cars will race 3 times, once in each lane. 

Ø      If a car jumps the track twice in a heat, It is disqualified and losses that heat by receiving the maximum time.

Ø      Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection team before it will be registered and allowed to compete.

Ø      All decisions by the appointed judge will be final.

Ø      The winners are determined by average speed from their three heats.

Ø      Once a car is registered and accepted by officials, there shall be no repairs or modifications performed on the car.

Ø      Once the heats begins, no one but race officials will be allowed in the designated area.

Ø      If a car is disabled, the car may be repaired within 5 minutes in the pit area under race official supervision.

Ø      Once the car enters the church, it must be handled by the scout unless a power tool or hot weights are being used on it.